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The Eco-KGML Team

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Team member Role Affiliation Expertise
Paul Hanson, PhD Principal investigator University of Wisconsin–Madison Limnology, ecosystem modeling, team science
Anuj Karpatne, PhD Principal investigator Virginia Tech Computer science, machine learning
Cayelan Carey, PhD Principal investigator Virginia Tech Limnology, ecosystem modeling, education
Mary Lofton, PhD Postdoctoral researcher Virginia Tech Limnology, education, ecological modeling
Robert Ladwig, PhD Researcher Aarhus University Physical limnology, ecosystem modeling
Arka Daw, PhD Researcher Oak Ridge National Laboratory Computer science, machine learning
Chelsea Lyles, PhD Project assessment Virginia Tech Science and Engineering Education, Broader Impact Assessment
Sylvia Lee, PhD Key collaborator Environmental Protection Agency Limnology, phytoplankton ecology
Jim Carleton Key collaborator Environmental Protection Agency Aquatic science and chemistry, nutrient modeling
Robert Sabo, PhD Key collaborator Environmental Protection Agency Ecology, GIS, nutrient use
Dale Robertson, PhD Key collaborator United States Geological Survey Limnology, hydrodynamic and water quality modeling, SPARROW
Keli Goodman, PhD Key collaborator National Ecological Observatory Network Limnology
Bobby Hensley, PhD Key collaborator National Ecological Observatory Network Limnology
Bennett McAfee Key collaborator University of Wisconsin–Madison Limnology, ecosystem modeling
Abhilash Neog Graduate student Virginia Tech Computer science, machine learning
Sepideh Fatemi Graduate student Virginia Tech Computer science, machine learning
Aanish Pradhan Graduate student Virginia Tech Computer science, machine learning
Sophia Skoglund Graduate student University of Wisconsin–Madison Limnology, remote sensing
Emma Marchisin Graduate student University of Wisconsin–Madison Limnology
Bani Gulati Undergraduate student University of Wisconsin-Madison IT Support